Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Dye, Fibre, Cloth Workshop One

Withing the first workshop, I chose dye, fibre and cloth the main aspect of this was felt and as iv done felt previously I was hoping to enhance my knowledge and skills.
From looking at the swimwear and focusing on the pattern I was looking at natural objects such as flowers as that seemed to be an occurrence through designs and using them as my colour pallet, picking out every colour from the image or flower itself to get the mood and feel of it.
With the felt I started off just making simple felt pieces blending colours to match the colour pallet I chose from my object, which I already knew how to do so I didn't get out off the experience what I thought I would but as the workshops continued and I had a clear idea in my head of what and how I wanted to manipulate the material it started to take shape.

From the first felt session, blending the fibres and adding other materials to create texture

Using the felt as another drawing tool I then stitched into it to define some of the detail.

By continuing with the felt I started to make 3D flowers and manipulate the form thinking of ways it could fit around the body and accessorize the swimwear. It was harder to form the felt into an actual shape as It has to be not too thick or too thin and half way through the felting process it takes alot of effort forming the shapes of the petals and flower form as well as making sure it is felted properly.I Really enjoyed forming the shapes and it was a technique I will always remember and use in further work.

Another aspect of this workshop was dye, I didn't realise how much of a long process the dye was but getting the correct measures and having a good technical file its something i can always expand on and use in further work.

This is what I dyed in my induction, it hasnt worked out how it should because it isnt an even colour all round but I actually like how there is different tones in there and how the dark blue contrast with the lighter purple shades.

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