Sunday, 20 November 2011

Digital Image Making

This was my second workshop, at first I didn't know what to expect from the workshop as I haven't done much work on the computers before and was worried I would feel behind and inexperienced but with just having two lessons I picked everything up straight away. Starting with colour pallets and picking out every colour from my drawings and photographs to get a feel of the mood and turning my designs into brushes. It really gave me the tools to make my ideas and designs come to life and explore.

After making different backgrounds I started to play around with adding the patterns into the swimwear shapes and overlaying them on the backgrounds to give them another dimension. I have really enjoyed being able to turn one small drawing into something that jumps out of the page.

This was my final image it started off as being a square and I was happy with how it looked until i printed it off and it didn't give the images and colours justice so I changed the canvas size to A3 and rather then just making the square bigger I let the patterns and colours flow out of it and I am really pleased with the final image.
I like most about the image the way the back ground is so busy yet the swimwear images still stand out and the way all the colours overlap and flow through each other, colours which normally don't go together or compliment each other but in this image they make each other look better.

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