Saturday, 18 February 2012

Linear, Non-Linear.. Empty-Full

Looking back through my project I feel it all flows and links together. I focused on drawing alot in this project as I always seem to push that aside and with the topic I chose it gave me the freedom to experiment with marks. My initial research came from visiting a mosque and henna artist and taking photographs of the intricate designs then how that is translated onto the body. I feel this was a great bases to my work and from there I starting taking elements of each design and interpreting it in my own drawing ways. I liked playing around with compositions and keeping my comparison words in mind 'Empty- Full, Linear- Non linear' making sections full with small detail in a empty space gave it a different feel to it rather then just a flat drawing, and using marks from the henna itself each part of the design are built up with structured straight lines merging into swirls and curves.

I edited my designs and ideas by continuing drawing and changing certain sections but keeping the image as a whole similar, this allowed me to see how it looked in different ways, compositions and be happy with the final outcome. Throughout this project I have realised how important a colour pallet is and having a good bases to my work such as primary research and first hand drawings.

My contextual refrences helped me move my work on, Nisha Mehndi's art work was a big influence to my project. When I looked at henna and the designs they all looked similar but Nisha's work had a modern twist on it and she added hints of colour e.g rustic red and blue rather then the traditional brown. I took my colour pallet from Nisha Mehndis work so she plays a big part in how my work has developed.

Mehndi by Nisha

Focusing on the colour pallet and still exploring marks I made a stencil and with acrylic paint repeatedly printed it over each other with different colours to see how different ways of would look.Techniques I used were mainly line drawing and really focusing on the small detail that makes the whole image, I do feel I got abit lost in this and lost track of what I was actually supposed to be focusing on which was sampling. Looking back at my work and thinking about how I managed my time, I realised I haven't gave this project all I could have and I feel disappointed in myself as I know how I know how much more I can achieve. I feel I could have experimented alot more with sampling and really push myself out of my comfort zone. Even though I haven't achieved as well as I could I am still pleased with the work I have produced and feel it shows my ability in what I can do.